Somebody Send This To “Doctor” Chane Rascoe At LISD:

The people running Lampasas Schools are paid very well. “Doctor” Chane Rascoe costs the taxpayers close to $200,000 per year. For that kind of money, I think we should expect some brains as well as some authority to act independently of state and federal morons.

Unfortunately, closing down the high school is a fairly brainless act. So is making kids wear a mask and live in a Plexiglas bubble. Here’s why:

Everybody’s favorite Muppet – Dr. Fauci – is finally admitting that children do not get terribly ill from or transmit COVID-19 in any significant way. 

Weird, since Switzerland figured this out in AprilDetailed genetic studies in Iceland showed that children were not passing the virus to adults in any significant numbers in June. And German researchers asserted that children could actually act as a brake on transmission within the community.

But good old “follow the science” Fauci was wringing his hands and hedging his bets in the media and during congressional testimony. Most notably, he got into a heated exchange with Senator Rand Paul, who is also a doctor.

“Kids spreading Covid was a lie THIS big”

Senator Paul correctly noted Sweden’s experience, which never closed their primary schools and did not see a spike in childhood illness. Germany also reopened schools in July with no significant issues. 

Since the summer, most industrialized countries have reopened schools, and many do not enforce distancing or mask-wearing. But this did not impress Dr. Fauci.

Paul noted the devastating effects of school closures, especially on disadvantaged childrenIt is only in the next decade that we will understand the impact of all the missed support services on these children. However, we do know many are not logging in for digital learning. Failure rates have also gone up where children only engage in distance learning.

Doctors and other agencies note increases in child abusedepression, and other mental health issues in children. There has also been an uptick in self-harm and suicidal ideation. This, over a respiratory virus with an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.13%, according to the WHO, which is very stratified by age and tends to affect the very elderly.

This debate raged on through the summer, when President Trump said reopening schools was a priority. It became gobsmackingly stupid when mayors and governors began to convert public space to daycare centers where children could engage in distance learning. Yet, they would not reopen schools. State leaders who chose to, such as Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Ron DeSantis in Florida, were widely criticized.

I expect morons and cart-donkeys like Bruce Haywood to not understand this. But the VERY well-paid people who run our schools should damn well be able to look at facts and accept them.

Get rid of the masks. Let the kids be kids and put an end to this ridiculous charade. THAT’S what a real leader does.