NOBODY Has Died With Covid in Lampasas County (Population 22,000) In TWO MONTHS!

I started thinking how ridiculous the last few “fatalities” in our county were. Lots of “we don’t know the timeline” and “this gentleman died quite some time back”. So I decided to do a reality check. You know…to keep nitwits like Jane Lopez and Melissa Johnson and Chris McDaniel from becoming hysterical with panic. Here is an interesting way to look at the supposed fatalities. These are ALL taken DIRECTLY from Misti’s Facebook reporting:

August 18th: Total of 5 fatalities as of today. This was nearly three months ago.

August 24th: “There has a been a change to our fatality count from 5 to 7. Dr Hay explains that there are two fatalities quite some time back“. What a pile of shit. So it could have been back on July 1st or even in June. We have no idea. The ‘true’ fatality count since Aug 18th is thus unchanged.

August 26th: One more fatality. Zero details. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they died on Aug 24th. One death since Aug 18th.

September 7th: Another fatality (#9), which “occurred THREE weeks back” – which would be August 17th. No more details. Still ONE death since Aug 18th.

September 15th: Another fatality (#10) – but “timeline and information NOT available” according to Misti….which means this could have happened months ago!

October 9th: We lost a precious resident (#11) and he was a male in his 70s – BUT THE LOSS OCCURRED “ABOUT A MONTH AGO” – that would be September 9th. So we are now looking at 2 fatalities since August 18th.

November 14th: This is today. Looking back at the blue text colors, we can see only 2 deaths since August 17th. TWO deaths in THREE months in a county of 22,000 citizens and ZERO deaths in the last TWO MONTHS (since SEPTEMBER NINTH!) and most of us have NOT been wearing masks.

I never wear a mask ANYWHERE. I have been in EIGHT different airports and on TEN different airplanes since February 28th….and never wore a mask except to walk past the gate agent. I never even washed my hands after taking a piss in the airport. I’ve been TRYING to catch this! My close friends are acting the same way. Result: nothing. We are all still alive and feeling fine.

You mask Nazis feeling stupid yet? Potato Head Steph? Dummy Melissa? Shitbird Lee Morey?

Just to repeat: using data from Misti’s very own Facebook feed, we have not had a fatality in a county of 22,000 citizens SINCE SEPTEMBER 9th!!! That is with most of us ignoring the mask bullshit AND school being in full session for the last THREE MONTHS!

Boy, you maskholes and scared rabbits are STUPID!