This Is Nauseating

These are kids in the prime of their life. Cheerleaders for an awesome football team in a small town. These are the days you look back on fondly – and ignorant morons are forcing them into masks like some ass-backwards, third-world shit hole run by the Ayatolla Khomeini. What’s next? Full burkas?

One of two things is going to happen in 20 years:

1. These kids are going to look at these photos and say “holy shit! I can’t believe how stupid everyone was back then, overreacting like that” – and laugh at it the way our parents laughed at photos of them in bell bottoms.


2. They are STILL going to be wearing masks as brainwashed zombies while THEIR kids are in full spacesuits….STILL awaiting that “huge surge in deaths” that we’ve been “waiting two weeks for” since April 2020.

I’ll be 70 years old and considered that “crazy old guy who thinks he doesn’t need a spacesuit to survive” out on the edges of town. Or I’ll be dead by the hand of Big Gov for daring not to go along.

I hope the morons making these kids hide their unclean mouths are also taking away the car keys of every single kidbecause they are 17 TIMES MORE LIKELY to die of other causes.

Portrait of Ruhollah Khomeini.jpg

P.S. I’m shocked that high school kids today are such obedient drones. When I was in high school, it was all about rebellion. Kids ditched school, smoked cigarettes and got their ears pierced or their hair dyed. No way we would have put up with this absolute nonsense. My acne was bad enough WITHOUT a filthy diaper rubbing my face all day.

I guess that’s what you get with a generation of kids who grew up brainwashed by social media, Facebook and other propaganda outlets.

Explainer: Why do Muslim women wear a burka, niqab or hijab? - ABC News  (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Iranian women – before and after the revolution