Libtards Have Stood In The Way Of Election Reform for Decades. Here’s How To Fix It.

Unsurprisingly, libtards are vehemently against any type of transparent and fair standard national system for elections. I wonder why that is:

Potato Head doesn’t trust it! That’s rich. Sorry, but these are FEDERAL elections that affect all of us – so a nationwide standard and OPEN SOURCE CODE for counting software is a must…as is PHOTO ID and PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP.

[Ironically, Potato Head’s mental health evaluations (no doubt conducted by quacks of her choosing) would have screened out Dementia Joe years ago. But I digress]

Because it benefits them, of course! Every time a common-sense standard is brought up, libtards scream “disenfranchisement! Voter suppression!”, which is of course, nonsense and easily debunked (I’ll do that in a moment).

The fat lib-slob pictured above should have never been able to pull that scam off.

“We the people” trusting political parties to administer their own elections and count their own votes is like shepherds trusting wolves to perform the lamb census. This is painfully obvious when you stop and think about it. Yet decade after decade, we do nothing. Why?

I was once speaking to a hospital CEO about all the regulations they had and how they made no sense. He said something profound that stuck with me: “you have to understand, it’s not like this because people are idiots. It’s like this because someone wants it this way.” [see: Miss Piggy Fitzharris above]

This is true of the US electoral process as well. We are the richest, most technologically advanced country in the history of the humanity. Does literally ANYONE believe that if we put our minds to it, we could not create an accurate, verified, real time voting system?

Of course we could. But even any baby step in this direction is met with avalanches of resistance and outlandish accusations [see: Miss Piggy, above]. It’s very obvious that the vested interests do not want to see the system change. And why would they? They control the current system.

The bigger and more powerful government becomes, the more corrupt it becomes. Coercive power draws corruption like strawberry jam draws ants.

Gato’s Law: “as soon as you allow politicians to determine what is bought and sold, the first thing bought and sold will be politicians”.

Election fraud has been with us for ages, almost certainly from the very beginning. The question has never even been “if” we have it, but “how much?” and “did it flip the results?”

Many seem to argue that it does not affect outcomes. I find this line of reasoning ridiculous.

Of course election fraud affects outcomes. Why would anyone go to the trouble and the risk if it didn’t? You can go to jail, get barred from politics or have an election nullified if you get caught. So why would anyone do it, over and over, if it did not affect outcomes? [see: fat lib-slob above. The second one]

These are not people shoplifting for the thrill of it. These are well run, experienced political machines that know exactly what they are doing and have institutional knowledge about how to pull and to keep the levers of power.

It is time for this to end. If we’re going to have elections, then we need to have real ones and the technology to do it is readily available. This starts with real voter ID.

[Potato Head Fitzharris and her ilk, take note of the following:]

Voter ID is a fake controversy. It does not “suppress voting.” Puerto Rico has incredibly strict voter ID. You have to get a special photo ID to vote from a voter registration office. It’s a laminated, hologrammed ID. It takes 2 forms of ID and proof of residence to get.

You go down to the office, show them your ID and your social security card/passport and your proof of residence. People from 3 different parties all handle part of your application and keep watchful eyes on one another.

You need this card to vote, you can only use it in one place, and they check it against a picture of the card and, thus, your face. You sign on the line next to it then get sprayed with UV ink to prevent multiple voting (they scan you when you come in).

THIS is what a serious system looks like.

and yet Puerto Rico has some of the highest voter turnout in the US despite being one of the poorest places. Voting is not suppressed. This is a baseless claim made by morons [see: Potato Head Fitzharris] with no evidence or even plausibility. Those making it are just trying to keep access to fraud and fiddling.

But even this is not good enough. We need a whole system to make voting work and count properly and it’s really not that hard to design in the age of public key cryptography. Voter ID needs to come with a private key. You can store it on the card and create real verification.

Then, we need a system to administer the election. But who can we trust to design it and run it?


Luckily, that’s exactly what we can use. This whole system needs to be open source and auditable by anyone…UNLIKE the current bullshit “black boxes” our politicians like. Do you understand that, Potato Head “I don’t trust it” Fitzharris??? That is the LITERAL definition of a system you can trust. Open source and auditable! We can do that too:

We need an open contest to design this open source system. All code to be published, audited, and compared. This is how all good encryption schemes work. You’d never trust closed source encryption.

Put a nice big $1 million dollar bounty on the win to bring the best of the best to the contest.

Then you keep a standing bug bounty where anyone who can break it or tamper with it gets paid a pile of dough. Make it safe by paying handsomely for people to constantly check it for flaws.

Look how well things like Apache web server work. This is a tried and true plan.

It’s a plan EVERYONE can trust – even Potato Head – because it’s code everyone can see and a system designed by top security people to withstand scrutiny and verification.

We need this. We could easily have it in 4 years, possibly 2. Once you see it, it seems obvious, no?

This current goat rodeo is going to become the norm if we do not do something. This sort of system is real, verifiable voting outside the control of the vested interests.

So, I challenge team donkey and team elephant to agree to this and sign on. Make it happen. Michelle Obama is yapping about “healing the nation” after this election clusterfuck? Implementing a fair and TRANSPARENT national standard would be a huge step towards that.

If they won’t implement such a system, I WANT TO HEAR WHY!

Giving lip service to free and fair elections then resisting the development of a system to ensure them and take the corruption out will be tough to defend.

We the people need to demand this or we the sheep are gonna get fleeced. Again.