
The number of lockdown Puritans having giant celebration parties is…interesting

Remember: these are the EXACT SAME scared rabbits who HAD to have (fraud-ridden) mail-in ballots because they were too scared to stand in line next to a few people to vote in person. Yet here they are….crammed in like sardines.

Hey! I think I see Stephanie “Miss Piggy” Fitzharris in there with a stupid Commie-La Harris t-shirt trying to make out with a he/she/zhe/they trans/BLM/binary/commie/pinko/Antifa college idiot.

Odd indeed.

CNN called Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation in the Rose Garden – where 100 people were masked and sitting 6 feet apart – a “Super-spreader event”

That same CNN was cool with THOUSANDS of liberals slobbering all over themselves in the streets for Biden yesterday.