These are the stunts you pull to “look busy” when your useless Nerf job is a $101,000 liability on the City government payroll:

News flash: it’s October…NOT April. This idiotic Wuhan Flu scare is over for all but the dumbest hypochondriacs. Get over it already.
Such important meetings they have! Thank goodness we have “round tables” with the best and brightest (and also the LEDC) in there to guide us peons through this terrible, terrible “pandemic”. Hopefully, they will all meet more in the future for the “flu pandemic” we will probably see soon. And the “heart disease” pandemic that is already ravaging the land. Not to mention our “common cold” pandemic which I have been suffering through for 50 long years now.
I would love to know what all these brilliant minds debated but, as always, anything concerning the LEDC is NEVER recorded despite the fact the City wasted $96,000 on a fancy A/V system TO DO JUST THAT!
They also like to meet in secret a lot anyways [see this week’s LEDC packet – page 1 section IX “executive closed session].
But you don’t need to waste time with round tables. The answer to everything can always be found on these pages. To wit:
RINO Roger Williams should do NOTHING. You have already printed $3 trillion of currency out of thin air and handed it out to rich hedge fund pricks and tailored the PPP loan fee incentives so the banks took care of the big companies and screwed the little guy. We don’t need any more of that kind of “help”. In fact, it would be great if you would retire and let a REAL fiscal conservative take your place.
[Fun fact: the scumbag banks (the ones we bailed out 12 years ago) were handed $3.8 BILLION IN FEES for lending out that PPP government money and taking zero risk doing so. Yes you read that right: $3,800,000,000.00 in fees for the pricks at JP Morgan and their buddies. Thanks Roger!]
Brad Buckley – seems like an awesome guy. I plan to vote for him. He and the other Texas reps and senators need to do their jobs and throw Abbott off his throne and rein him in with these bullshit “mandates”. They are illegal. If you’re going to pass a stupid mask law, then go on the record and pass a law so we know who the scumbags are and we can get rid of them. Letting Abbot pull mandates out of his ass is destroying the restaurant and bar industry, just to name a few. I’m pretty sure Brad has already said much the same thing and thinks like I think. No need for a round table for him.
Reps from the LISD – no round table needed…it is quite simple: get rid of the stupid mask mandate for an age group that is at EXTREMELY low risk of dying from Covid. Making 12-year-olds and 15-year-old wear masks is abhorrent. If the parents want to force their kids to wear one, then fine. No skin off my ass. But it should NOT be mandatory. The stats already show that our high school has the worst rate of infection and they are the ones supposedly forced to wear these things. It clearly doesn’t work. End it. Now.
Chamber of Commerce – seriously? Don’t make me laugh. No reason to be there. You have zero power. No round table for you.
LEDC and City of Lampasas – you have ALREADY handed out approximately $150,000 of tax dollars to local businesses…several of which were only open a short time before Covid hit (*cough* Wool & Vine lemonade stand* cough*) and to some that are chains and did just fine during the ‘pandemic’ – like Burger King (which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange). Money well spent, eh? Please no more. You’ve done enough with your sack of Christmas money, Mandy Clause.
My favorite part is the nearly unintelligible babble thrown in at the end of the post (I assume by Mandy Walsh): “…and the ability of our businesses to receive relief funding and maintain operations during the pandemic”
LOL. Mandy, please see all the arguments above. They already GOT a ton of relief!! SO MUCH relief was given, in fact, that sales tax collections for the year are running about TWELVE PERCENT HIGHER than last year. Unemployment in Lampasas is LOWER than surrounding areas, lower than the state of Texas rate and lower than the national unemployment rate.
OH, and Finley was crowing over “budget surpluses” last month. Yeah THAT Finley…the City manager who got a $10,000 raise to $140,000 per year (plus benefits) in the MIDDLE OF THIS SUPPOSED “economically injurious pandemic” and who recommended 3% raises for every single warm body on the City payroll.
Who exactly can’t “maintain operations” right now? Everything looks pretty well back to normal to me. Wal-Mart even took their stupid and widely ignored “walk this way” arrows out of the aisles recently! Hooray for Wal-Mart!
This is all just a bunch of self-important circle jerking to try and justify your EDA “covid money” grant for the failed business park.
Disband the LEDC. Eliminate the useless position of “economic development director” and sell the “business” park land. Enough already.