More Garbage Covid Reporting

Are we STILL supposed to take this tripe seriously??

“About a month ago”? Gimme a frickin break! I know the government drones at the state level are lazy and stupid, but are we REALLY supposed to believe that these deaths just “fall through the cracks” for months at a time?


This is “death harvesting” at its finest. Hospitals going back and re-coding any death they can find as “covid” to grab some of that free money from Uncle Sugar. Maybe this poor bastard had a “positive” test a month before he died and then had a completely unrelated stroke. Maybe he had 2 heart attacks two years ago, died from his third in August and then they decided they saw “covid-like symptoms” in him later to get the money. Who knows. The chicanery with Covid deaths knows no limits.

Don’t think it’s possible? Our OWN CITY COUNCIL and LEDC are doing the EXACT SAME THING applying for “covid funds” for their crappy business park so they can paper over 10 years of fiscal mismanagement. You don’t think the hospitals are doing the EXACT SAME THING?? If you are that naive, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

All I know is that after Lampasas County “Fatality #6”, it all turned to crap. It’s been a bunch of “happened last month” and “we aren’t sure of the timeline” and “the patient was in another county” nonsense ever since then.

The “active cases” spikes are just as suspect. As I have covered here repeatedly, the PCR tests are amplified up to FORTY TIMES in Texas. The same PCR test that only identifies RNA fragments – NOT live virus. How many of these “active cases” feel perfectly fine and are NOT infectious but were forced into a test because someone in their family was also positive? I’m betting a LOT.

Getting a PCR hit at 30-40 amplification cycles and concluding someone “has covid” is like finding goose down in your pillow and concluding your house is infested with geese.