Remember When All The Teachers And Students Were Gonna Die Of Covid?

It was only about 3 months ago. A large group of dummies were screaming bloody murder that the schools should stay closed. That we couldn’t go back to normal because of the extreme danger to kids and teachers…even though kids and young women are more likely to die in a car accident on the WAY to school that they are to die of the Wuhan Flu.

Many hundreds of people even kept their kids home and insisted on a costly and aggravating “remote learning” option that almost certainly will result in their kids being left behind the others academically.

Well, here we are over two months into the school year. Let’s look at all the death and destruction that took place in our schools:

Kline Whitis: The school for the youngest kids does NOT require masks. Ironically, the under-10-years-old cohort did the BEST of all the schools. TOTAL DAMAGE: As of yesterday, there are ZERO active cases, ONE kid has caught Covid and recovered and ZERO teachers or staff have been infected. ZERO DEATHS. I’ll repeat: ONE KID has caught and recovered from Covid in the ENTIRE SCHOOL….including staff.

Hannah Springs: ZERO active cases, TWO kids have caught the virus and recovered, ZERO active cases among the staff and THREE staff have already caught it and recovered. ZERO DEATHS.

Taylor Creek: here we have ONE staff member that caught Covid and recovered. ZERO kids. That’s right – in the entire school, there was ONE staff member and ZERO kids infected. ZERO DEATHS.

Lampasas Middle School: Zero active cases, TWO recovered students and ONE recovered staff. A grand total of THREE cases – fully recovered. ZERO DEATHS.

Lampasas High School: ONE active case as of yesterday…15 recovered (I’m guessing a large chunk of football players) yet ZERO staff have been infected this entire time. Funny that the school where they are DEFINITELY ALL WEARING MASKS is the one with the worst performance. Despite that: ZERO DEATHS.

So – in a school system of approximately 3,380 kids and maybe 500 staff where there are literally thousands of interactions per day over the course of two months, we have had a grand total of 20 kids who caught it and recovered OR about ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT of the enrollment.

Among the staff, there were a grand total of five infections. Also less than 1%.


The virus has an enormous weakness that we have thus far failed to exploit:

When about half the population has been infected (and recovered), we have achieved herd immunity. Those under 40 years of age make up over half the population, yet the virus is over 100 times LESS DEADLY to that portion of the population. Exploit this fact and defeat the virus!!