No Wonder They Are Big On Cheese At Wool & Vine: The Owner Is A Rat.

First it was ratting out local restaurants. Now Julie Cain “Nurse Ratched” Landrum is ratting out HEB.

Lady, you need a hobby. Clearly, only having your lemonade stand open 3 days a week isn’t keeping you occupied enough. Maybe take a vacation. You could take that $3,000 in tax dollars that Mandy Clause gave you and take a nice long trip to North Korea.

What’s it gonna be?“, “Call it one way or another” – who in the hell died and made YOU pope? How about “stfu and mind your own business, you rat“? That’s MY suggestion in this situation.

Wash your hands! Eat your peas! Don’t run with scissors! Bobby is chewing gum in class!

I have zero doubt that Nurse Ratched was a Hall Monitor back in grade school. She’s probably the type who would be out after the bars close at 2am when the streets are absolutely empty, and stands there waiting for the “WALK” sign to light up despite there not being a car in sight for miles.

If you are SO concerned about catching a cold, please go to Amazon and spend $50 on a full body suit and leave the rest of us alone, you annoying loon.

I used to wonder how the Salem Witch Trials got started. What type of moron would lose all rational thinking and fall head first into hysteria. Now I know.