Raise Your Hand!

Raise your hand if you own a tiny lemonade stand (only open THREE days a week!) that appears to employ nobody but yourself and your nutty wife and was only open a few months before Wuhan Flu hit BUT you still took the MAXIMUM $3,000 in taxpayer dollars from Mandy Clause and the LEDC!

It’s important all you saps pay your taxes in FULL and don’t try to look for any deductions so that worms like Andrew Landrum can get handed money he didn’t earn.

Oh, and raise your hand if your wife is a Covid snitch ratting out local mom and pop businesses!

Also raise your hand if you think Antifa is just a bogeyman and political cudgel to demonize your opponents….and not a bonafide organization terrorizing innocent civilians!

You’re gonna need a third hand, Andrew.

You’ll be sure to pay taxes on that $3,000 grant you got from Mandy Clause, right dildo?

I’ll ask an honest question for the 50th time: if you libs want to live under a full-on libtard regime, you are free to pack up your shit and move to Portland or San Francisco or New York City. Why stay here and whine all the time? Makes no sense to me. I’ll even pay for your one-way plane ticket – first class – if you all promise to move to another state. That goes for Haywood too!