Shrieking morons suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome would literally cut of their own noses if they thought it helped a tiny bit to get rid of the “racist” and “fascist” Trump.
Exhibit A is Lake Travis imbecile Stephanie Fitzharris. A potato headed clown who often sticks her bulbous melon into Lampasas County Breaking News forums. Even though she lives in Austin.
Back in April, this buffoon thought that Trump should be convicted of “crimes against humanity” for promoting hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the fight against Covid. She was agreeing with another shrill, hysterical liberal moron named Tavia Golonski – an Ohio state representative.

Oooohhh…this is serious! Is it? Is it serious, you clown horn? LOL. Never mind the United States isn’t even a member of the International Criminal Court. Potato Head doesn’t care about such trifles. She is ready to throw people in JAIL because she doesn’t agree with them. Typical Marxist retard.
Well, as it turns out it’s a damn good thing that Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris is not in charge of anything besides her own sad, pathetic life. Because her actions of banning HCQ would result in the deaths of untold thousands:

Turns out HCQ IS very useful in treating Covid. It has also been around for something like 70 years and used safely during that time as a malaria treatment. But hey, Potato Head was shrieking hysterically against it, so she must be right. Here is the raw data.
“Political opponents defied longstanding scientific and medical consensus to portray HCQ as harmful and Trump as a mortal danger to public health. Flawed and even falsified studies were published and promoted by media outlets eager to discredit Trump, while positive studies were impugned or ignored.”
Potato Head doesn’t care about facts or science. She just hates Trump. Period. If a few tens of thousands of people have to die along the way…oh well. What does she care? Marxists like her have killed hundreds of millions, what are a few more. It’s a shame that morons like this get to vote.

It’s not really her fault she’s so mentally challenged though. Research shows it’s probably all those cheeseburgers…

**UPDATED 10/21** – Italy provides more proof Fitzharris is a dunce:
Italy sees a 90% reduction in infection rate with HCQ compared to the rest of Italy