So we all know now that Homecoming was cancelled – and some football players tested positive for Covid. Misti posted an extremely condescending and arrogant order to everyone not to speculate or pontificate about any of this. Just shut your mouth and obey. Right? We’re too ignorant to make informed and educated assessments.

Nah. I think I’ll swing my big, fat hairy opinion all over the place, thanks very much.
Of course, Misti and others in charge over the last handful of years have PROVED over and over that THEY are actually the ones incapable of making informed assessments on TONS of issues (*cough*Azbell* cough**cough*elevator ripoff*cough*). I’ve chronicled their stupidity, hypocrisy and dishonesty here on at least 8 issues over the last 24 months.
So there’s that.
But she IS right about us not having any information. The Powers That Be certainly see to THAT, don’t they? I’d agree with her that it’s nobody’s business if a couple kids get sick except for the fact that these morons have been forcing every kid in school to wear a dirty face diaper 40 hours a week – so it kinda IS everybody’s business now, isn’t it?
Actually, this whole thing should be a giant non-event. Some healthy young kids have Covid. So what? Better get used to it. As I have said REPEATEDLY – this virus will be with us forever. Like the flu. So you better come to terms with it. It is less of a danger than flu for those under 50. For high school kids, they’re more likely to be killed by a dog, for Christ’s sake:

I’m going to go out on another limb and predict all these kids will be fine. After all, Misti and her daughter were fine and these football boys are in FAR better shape as athletes.
What do you want to bet at least some of these kids didn’t even know they were “sick” until a test told them they were? I’m guessing they are forced to take Covid tests weekly in order to “obey” the “mandates” handed down by morons from up on high. Of course, we’ll never know if that’s the case because we aren’t privy to that data like the Very Important Talbert is. Maybe these poor kids were tested by one of those overly sensitive tests that picks up viral fragments from 12 weeks ago – meaning they are perfectly safe to play. Who knows? We certainly never will!
Oh goodness. There I go again “speculating” and “theorizing” about some hypothesis! Right after Very Important Talbert told me not to!
Shame on me.