Our latest update looks like this:

Funny how they are right on top of things with “active cases” but the number of tests administered hasn’t been updated in TEN DAYS.
How is that even possible?? The state HAS to know that number. Are they only reporting “positive” cases and ignoring negatives? If the testing numbers are up big and the “active cases” barely budges, it PROVES the positivity rate (percentage of tests coming back positive) is falling – which wouldn’t help their “scare everyone” narrative they have been pushing.
Also, what exactly constitutes an “active case” here in our county? What are the standards of the testing companies when it comes to the ‘cycle threshold’ (Ct) number? Are they counting every test under 40 Ct as an “active case”? 35? 33? Nobody bothers to tell us these things.
[Cycles are the number of RNA amplifications needed to detect virus. Many PCR tests have a Ct cutoff of 40 to consider the test positive, allowing detection of VERY FEW RNA molecules – which makes the test OVERLY SENSITIVE to old virus fragments. Most studies agree that a Ct over 33 is NOT infectious and thus that “active case” can be safely released into the population without fear of spreading the disease]
Who is doing the testing for Lampasas County? Which testing platform is being used? Are they using one of the very sensitive platforms? Hawaii currently discovered their state was using the MOST SENSITIVE TEST on about 75% of their tests. If they had used the FAR LESS sensitive CDC standards, the number of “cases” would be far lower.
And we certainly can’t have that now, can we?
I expect bullshit like that in a liberal haven like Hawaii or New York. They have every reason to make this look as ugly as possible. I do NOT expect it in the Great Republic of Texas – which is SUPPOSED to be run by people with a brain in their head.
I can’t wait for November 2022 to vote that piece of dung Abbott out of office and watch him roll [pun intended] off into the sunset.