Looks like they aren’t even trying now. The reporting was dog shit before but now it seems they are just throwing up whatever they want. And why not? It’s not like we can check it for accuracy, anyways. They can safely ignore you and do whatever they want with zero repercussions.
It IS weird, though. Seems like every TV station and reporter in the country can request VERY detailed Covid death info, but our very own “county health authority” can’t get any details whatsoever! Very odd.

Ah yes. That pesky “timeline”. So he could have died three months ago in another county, right? Why would we expect Dr Hay to know what’s going on in her own county as “County Health Authority”? Only the STATE knows what’s going on here in our county, I guess.
By my count, that’s THREE fatalities now that were just tacked on whimsically late with absolutely ZERO information at all…or 30% of all current fatalities. They must REALLY be mining past deaths for that $29,000 federal Covid money now!
Active cases are WAY down under the “magic 20” number yet again. Good thing the LISD is “considering” making little kids wear a damp, bacteria-filled diaper over their breathing holes all day long. Makes TOTAL sense, right??