Biggest Asshole Covid Snitch Of All Time

Picture this: some old lady is driving down Naruna Road, right past the golf course. I drive past there hundreds of times a year myself.

She looks to her left, and sees a few people standing on the clubhouse porch. Maskless…outside! And they are not the mandated six feet apart – a random number of mandated feet that some idiot pulled out of their anus earlier this year.

Instead of driving on and ignoring this since it doesn’t concern her, she instead CALLS CITY HALL and rats out these poor fellows.

Sounds insane right? Wait. There’s more.

Instead of ignoring this insane Covid snitch jerk and pretending the call never happened, the City actually takes action and comes down hard on the golfers!

What kind of ABSOLUTE PIECE OF SHIT would make the call? What kind of ABSOLUTE PIECE OF SHIT at City Hall would even bother taking action on this?

Minister orders Brits to snitch on neighbours who break 'rule of six'  coronavirus restriction

I know a lot of straight-laced people in this town don’t like my language. I hear them say “you’d have a lot more readers if you toned it down a bit”.

Guess what? I don’t care. We are WAY past that. If you are worried about bad words over what is happening in this country, you are not paying attention. George Washington sneaked across the Delaware to slit British throats on Christmas Eve. Sam Adams blew up British ships. You think they gave a SHIT about a little harsh language? There are bigger forces at work here.

Covid-19 exposed the real division of the country and it isn’t democrats, republicans, and a mix of idiots that can’t make up their minds. It is freedom seeking individuals, Marxists who are determined to make every subject a slave of government tyranny, and worthless sheep who follow whoever will herd them in the current direction of politics.

Freedom to live is also freedom to die. What you do with your life is supposed to be your choice. If we are forced to wear masks that don’t even work to attempt to eliminate a .04% chance of death at the maximum, WE ARE NOT FREE TO DO ANYTHING!