Mike Cour, LEDC ‘Business Park’, Eco-Strong, Mr. Champagne, British Tyre & Rubber Recycling – I Have Stumbled Into Crazy Stuff!

I’ve suspected all along that there was something stinky about the LEDC relationship with Mike Cour and Eco-Strong/Eco-Flex. I’ve done a deep dive that took me from a British Tire publication to an arrogant CEO in Canada named “Mr Champagne” who writes like a third grader to a local businessman who can’t keep his stories straight…to a million-dollar ‘business park’ grant that may hinge on all of this crazy stuff somehow being true and holding together.

Hint: it’s all bullshit smoke and mirrors….and YOU might be paying for it!

Stay tuned for the wild twists and turns of the Lampasas Economic Development Corporation’s latest attempts to salvage their ‘business park’ debacle.