I saw this posted recently by the mayor….

AND by the Dispatch [link HERE] – AND by the Radiogram too!
Weird, huh? The MINUTE Lampasas dips under the magic “20 active cases” number, somebody is rushing in with FREE tests…and they are the ORAL SWAB, not the painful deep nasal penetration, to make it even EASIER!
Now, every hypochondriac in the county can drive over, get their mouth swabbed, and pay nothing. Sounds awesome, right!
Why do this??? Some of these tests are so sensitive they can detect REMNANTS of the virus. You will “test positive” even though you no longer have it. There are also plenty of other false positives. We also don’t know if these tests will be “pooled” (look it up), which is ANOTHER way to pad the numbers.
The “advertisements” tell you NOTHING about how the tests are processed at all. So we have no way of knowing. We also know there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Whose bread is being buttered with this? Cui bono? Why roll this out NOW, instead of months ago?
Very fishy, if you ask me.
Long story short: anyone who feels fine and goes to get this test is an idiot who is screwing themselves AND the rest of us. All it takes is a few false positives and we are BACK ABOVE the ridiculously arbitrary 20 “active cases” that makes everyone go into panic mode.
All it takes is a false positive for YOU, who feels fine, and one of the Authority Figures like Dr Hay will crawl up your asshole telling you to quarantine for 14 days – even though it is entirely possible you are a false positive or even a non-infectious person who had the virus a month ago.
Please. Do NOT run out and get this test done. If enough shit heads go out and do this, the numbers jump back up and we’ll be wearing masks until the end of time. That can’t happen.
P.S. – does anyone else find it hilarious that they say “you will be screened to see if you have” – and then list a bunch of ailments that ONLY YOU can tell them about? Like a headache or nausea or fatigue? You don’t screen someone for a headache or fatigue. You ASK if those symptoms are present. Those are symptoms only YOU can feel and TELL the doctor about – who then gives you tests to hopefully find the CAUSE of these symptoms.
Who wrote this idiotic advertisement? Oh wait – lemme guess: some moron state government bureaucrat?