South Park once did an episode about the smug citizens who bought Priuses and then looked down their noses at drivers of pickup trucks and SUVs. They would pontificate to each other about how great they are, helping the environment – and what selfish jerks everyone else was. They would then bend over and sniff their own farts.
The same applies today to the ‘mandatory mask’ crowd. They make sure to tell you how awesome they are and how they are doing it FOR others…because they are such great people and they care FOR you…implying you are too stupid to care for yourself:

Nice deep breath, Melissa. Sniff those farts!! Get high on your own odoriferous gasses!
Not enough? Go down there and grab another sniff with Julie!

Oooohhhhh….yesss! Sniff those putrid emanations! You love that! Go get another big huff of fart! Look how AWESOME and CARING you are!
Num num num num. Tasty right? Oooh wait! Gregory Thompson wants to do some double-sniffs with you as well! Maybe swap farts? Go get a deep breath with him….

Ooohhhh…that’s the good stuff, right?? Clearly you are getting very high on your own farts now: yammering about Covid amputations? Crazy, right?? Clearly you are sniffing those high-grade farts now. Keep sniffing those sulfur bombs:
OH YEAH!!!! GIMME MORE!! One final stream of consciousness, diarrhea of the mouth, high-as-a-kite on my own farts and smugness (and probably CO2 from wearing a mask)….here it comes…..

Wow. Rick James on his longest cocaine binge could not have blabbered more crap if he tried! Everyone is SO selfish and SO reckless – except you, of course. Thank god you are here to lecture us all on the Righteous Path. You and the other fart sniffers. Look at you all – stewing and wallowing in your own smug fart cloud. So enlightened and noble! Gee, I wish I wore a mask too!