Some Questions That Need Answering

One of the big “mop up” stories on Covid will be answering a couple simple questions:

Why were such outlandishly inclusive definitions of “covid death” used by so many governments around the world? No other disease or pathology is counted this way.

Why were deaths systematically overstated, IFR and CFR inflated, hospitalization stats made to look far worse than they were, etc? EVERY thumb on the scale here seems to have been to accentuate panic NOT accuracy and methods used in literally no other condition EVER are the norm.

How did this come to be? Who made these choices and why?

You’d never count the death of an elderly person in June who had had flu in December and recovered as a “flu death” – yet we do here.

You’d never call a car crash with a cold death from common cold. Yet we do here.


Somewhere, at the bottom of all this, some people made some choices on how to count covid. Those choices were WAY outside of epidemiological norms – and they have had MASSIVE effect on how this has been reported and responded to.

Who made them and why? We need to demand an accounting.