THIS Is How You Get To 135,000 ‘Covid Deaths’

It’s weird how the other side keeps getting caught lying like this. Just like the global warming nuts seem to do. If truth is on your side, you don’t need to make up bullshit out of whole cloth:

A reporter asked Orange Co FL health official if the two COVID deaths listed as in their 20s had any underlying conditions. Reply: “The first one didn’t have any. He died in a motorcycle accident.

There is obviously a huge difference between dying OF Wuhan Flu and dying WITH Wuhan Flu. The maskholes don’t seem to understand the difference and government officials don’t seem to care – since it only increases their power and their access to the hundreds of billions being handed out.

Here’s a thought experiment: Before granting any power to government, imagine it wielded by the politician you hate the most, because one day, it will be.

You guys still love mask mandates?