THIS is how you get a ‘surge’ and a panic. Many hospitals are backfilling deaths: taking deaths from months ago and reporting them NOW. This chart breaks it down just for Houston. It would be nice to see this breakdown for OTHER cities, but that might crush the narrative….and cut off the free billions of dollars.
Somebody show Bruce Haywood:
The City of Houston has reported 71 COVID-19 deaths so far in July. Of these, ONLY SEVEN ACTUALLY OCCURRED IN JULY! Some of these recorded deaths even happened in April and May.

The YELLOW portions of the bar are July, Bruce. The GRAY was last month. They even managed to throw in 10 deaths from May! In other words, MORE deaths from May are represented here than in July – even though they are reporting them NOW.
Date Reported taken from the @HoustonHealth page and Date of Death taken from
Why don’t we have accessible data like this from the entire state of Texas (and the entire US, for that matter)!!