Misti and Family Somehow Pull Through And Defeat Cold

I’m SHOCKED, I tells ya! How did she and her daughter ever survive this terrible cold? I mean, to face 300,000-1 odds in your favor and somehow come out on top! Amazing. It’s as likely as losing the lottery, fer chrissakes!

To recap:

July 12th: Tearful (sorta) video dramatically announcing the Wuhan Flu has hit the Talbert household. Community outpouring of prayer emojis immediately goes to work combating their sore throat and sniffles.

July 15th: Radiogram quotes Finley as stating Talbert family is in good spirits and has “turned the corner”, lol. The corner of what?? I think I changed my underwear once since the illness was announced. They barely took three steps down the street, let alone ‘turned’ any corners. I guess I can assume there was no hospitalization involved?

Here’s what else happened in those three days:


OVER TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND Americans dropped dead of random causes.

Somebody, somewhere found out they have pancreatic cancer and will die very soon – thus shattering their entire world.

Somewhere, a parent knew REAL pain as they watched their young child suffer from leukemia and chemotherapy and hoped they beat REAL odds to live.

So let’s screw our heads back on and get some perspective, mmkay?

It would be nice if some of people who had this thing would get on Facebook and make hundreds of posts to talk about how it was no big deal – and thus combat the hysterical lunatics out there who haven’t even had it yet and think it’s the Bubonic plague or something.