Misti Talbert! For her subdued yet poignant “why can’t we all just get along” pleading video message on Facebook during her announcement that she has caught the lethal plague flu. I haven’t seen forced half-crying like that since she dedicated the Jack Calvert $1.5 Million Dollar Municipal Fishbowl back in December 2019.
The virus she now has is SO deadly in fact, that the people suffering from it regularly post on Facebook to tell you how they felt like they have been “hit by a train”. The horror!
Just to recap:
Misti claims she wore a mask AND social distanced and she thinks you should too…even though it didn’t help her one bit!
Besides wearing masks and socially distancing, she CLAIMS she “practices healthy habits”. I’m sorry, but I take issue with that, because it is simply not true. It’s clear you have NOT made healthy choices going back a while. I’ll just leave it at that. I don’t want to be blunt or cruel, but if we are going to have a RATIONAL and HONEST discussion about how much of a threat Wuhan Flu REALLY is, we need to be honest with ourselves. That includes all the unhealthy choices made by (and pre-existing conditions of) those stricken with Wuhan Flu.
ZERO people have died from Wuhan Flu in Lampasas County over the last 10 months – despite the best efforts of scumbags at hospitals trying to re-code EVERY DEATH as Covid so they can get free government money. Not to mention them also GOING BACK in time and trying to attribute deaths from months ago as Covid posthumously. That is outright fraud, of course. But it sure makes it look like a “surge” is happening now!
I’m going to go out on a huge limb here and predict that Misti AND her daughter will survive this easily, thanks to their immune system. ESPECIALLY her daughter, who, I believe is in high school. It is an indisputable fact that Wuhan is LESS DEADLY to those under 25 years of age than the common flu!

MY hope here is that after our high-profile mayor and her daughter easily recover from this, people MIGHT use their heads and think “hey! This isn’t the lethal plague that the media and certain morons in town (*cough* Bruce Haywood *cough*) are making it out to be!”.
I know that is wishful thinking but let’s keep our fingers crossed. If this Wuhan Flu had happened in the world BEFORE Facebook and Twitter and other social media, the irrational fears generated by this would be about 100x less prevalent. The moral of Wuhan Flu in 2020 will be that social contagion via social networks is more dangerous than biological contagion
P.S. Misti, I would “send you prayers” like everyone else but there is no proof that actually works. Actually, quite the contrary. So I offer no prayers but I offer the firm mathematical knowledge that STATISTICALLY, you have nothing to worry about. You’re more likely to be killed in a car wreck next year.