Mayors of Major Metropolises Issue Edict To Peasants

Mayors Misti Talbert of Lampasas, Keith Harvey of Kempner, and Carlos Garcia of Lometa issues a joint resolution yesterday. According to the Lampasas City website:

“City Mayors of Lampasas County adopt joint
resolution encouraging all citizens to wear a face covering over
their nose and mouth when in a business, commercial entity or
other locations that involve close proximity with others in
addition to other hygienic measures to protect themselves, their
family, their neighbors, and all members of the community and to
further reduce the spread of COVID-19”

Wow! Just like Churchill and FRD and the Atlantic Charter!

Well, except that Keith Harvey is just a fake doctor nut job presiding over a podunk town of 1,100 people. And Carlos Garcia is mayor of 850. And Misti Talbert is mayor because we can’t get a smart person to take the job. And the resolution is about a non-issue that retards are panicking over.

But BESIDES all that, it’s JUST like the Atlantic Charter.

Here is my response:

I politely decline your suggestion.