List of Communists Infesting The Lampasas Area

#1 – Clayton Tucker – Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party and by FAR the biggest commie of them all. Works tirelessly to undermine the U.S. Constitution and destroy property rights. Has come out PUBLICLY in favor of: open borders, socialized medicine, ‘free’ college, $15 minimum wage, allowing young children access to pornography in schools, child mutilation. Lives with his mother at 208 S Western Ave, next to public library.

#2 – Grady Lucas – wears the “woke” badge proudly. Is a RABID anti-Trump nut. Cheers loudly as Soros communists like Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis invent charges to persecute a presidential candidate. Is a very vocal supporter of drag queens dancing provocatively in front of little children (he is gay himself).

PETRIFIED of Covid. Has gotten every shot and booster available – STILL got Covid. Chiding people to mask up in August of 2023. Type of cunt who would report you to the authorities for forced vaxxing.

Thinks he is come kind of genius…not sure why – he is unable to fend for himself and moved into his mother’s house after he put her in a nursing home. He then ran a GoFundMe scam to “fix up my mother’s house” implying an old lady needed help, when it was actually HIS house. Lives at 805 N Ridge St (Norma Banta listed on property rolls).

#3 – Bruce Haywood

#4 – Stephanie Fitzharris/Janet Yoder-Crazier

#5 – Christine Seefeldt