I have to. Not just that outlandish neon-green-colored X but the entire “narrative” behind spending $15,000 on three letters in a parking lot: that tourists will flock here to take a picture on it and then hang around downtown to empty their wallets. It’s just too absurd to take seriously.
If they had just squandered $15k and tossed it up one day, I probably wouldn’t even notice or say a word. But this insistence that this is a tourist attraction can’t be ignored. It’s not. It never will be.
Mandy was very busy yesterday wearing out her # key on her keyboard and encouraging local Lampassholes “make your way downtown for some shopping, delicious eats & now some fun photo ops!”
That’s all well and good. I’m sure a few dozen of Mandy’s cheerleaders and friends of Misti/Delana/Kathy will head down there and dutifully comply. They’ll have a glass of wine, get tipsy and zany and take a photo on the letters. Then in a few weeks, all the hubbub will die down and it will sit there forevermore getting shat on by pigeons and vandalized at 2am by moron Lampassholes on methamphetamine. Then eventually a five-year-old child will climb that T, fall and crack their heads open and sue Finley for $500k. THAT’S the Lampasas way!
Also, having Friends of Mandy/Misti come down and spend money isn’t really the purpose of this neon-green contraption, is it? Since HOT (Hotel Occupancy Tax) funds were used for this, it is TECHNICALLY to attract OUTSIDE wallets and “put heads in beds”. I’d much rather see HOT funds used for things that ACTUALLY attract outside people like, say, Spring Ho or something.
But whatever. In the grand scheme of things the $15,000 they wasted on this is spit in the ocean compared to the LITERALLY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS they have wasted on other useless stuff – like the $1.5 million City council chambers and the $96,000 City council A/V system and the multi-million dollar corpse repository ‘business park’.
Oh, and they still can’t bother to offer anything above minimum wage to local kids working as lifeguards at the pool this summer. Definitely no money for that!! Clearly, money is way too tight – so, no pool for you!!