Georgia lifted “stay at home” May 1. interviewed 11 experts and the “consensus science” said that infections would spike up. People said the Governor would have “blood on his hands”.
Now 15 days later… infections down 41% and deaths down 31%.
This whole virus things stinks very much like the manufactured “climate change crisis” libtard dummies love to panic about: a lot of gloom and doom that turns out to be bullshit.
Here is a chart showing number of deaths from ALL causes by year. I sure don’t see any massive spike compared to previous years. PERHAPS many deaths from pneumonia, flu, etc are being labeled COVID instead:

Even the CDC knew (or should have known) that lock downs were not going to work. Once you pass 1% prevalence, THEIR OWN GUIDELINES show that efficacy from quarantine falls apart. That horse was long gone by the time we even noticed the barn door was open.