Dear Finley: You Are FULL OF CRAP! [Part One]

I forgot to mention in my City council meeting summary that one of the reasons they SUPPOSEDLY can’t open the pools this summer is that, gosh darn it, they just can’t find anyone to work there! Very few people are applying for the jobs!

So, I guess that’s it then! There was no discussion from City council on how to fix that. They just accept that line of manure and move on. Oh well.

I went and LOOKED at the job postings. Guess what? They are offering MINIMUM WAGE to lifeguards! You gotta be shitting me. Hey Finley – I was paid $9 an hour to lifeguard back in 1985. That’s about $25 in today’s dollars.

Ya think maybe offering dog shit wages to the local kids might have something to do with the lack of response? This is from the same guy who raised the “Economic Development Director” salary from around $42,000 to $71,000 a few years back EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD MULTIPLE PEOPLE APPLYING AND EAGER FOR THE JOB AT THE LOWER WAGE!! [This was during the Masonheimer years].

This has to be the most hypocritical bunch of stingy bastards on the planet. I don’t remember hearing ANY of this nonsense when it comes to “attracting the best” paper pushers and bureaucrats. They give every high-level, six-figure bureaucrat in City government raises constantly! “We need to offer attractive salaries or they will go somewhere else” – that’s the crap I hear from Finley every time I point out the ludicrous salaries of some paper pushers at City Hall (*cough* Monica Wright *cough*). There’s always plenty of money for raises for the $95,000 paper pusher. But not a cent for the lifeguards – you can suck on $7.25 an hour, chump!

Minimum wage for lifeguards! You really are a bunch of sorry morons, you know that? Maybe you should step out of your cushy, protected government Nerf jobs and go look at job listings around the area to get an idea of MARKET WAGES in the REAL WORLD. Kids can start at Whattaburger for more than that paltry wage, for crying out loud.

I’ll delve into the VERY EASY solution to your problem in the next post. It requires common sense and basic math skills. Yet another free service from The Original Lampasshole.