Council Meeting Tonight – Live Updates

Don’t forget tonight’s council meeting! Sounds like there could be something afoot, according to today’s Radiogram:

“The City Council will meet in Executive Session after the regular meeting, “to receive and evaluate financial information received from a business prospect” and to discuss or deliberate financial information that the city has received from a business prospect that the city seeks to locate/stay/expand in or near the city with which the city is conducting economic development negotiations.Or to deliberate any offer of nay financial or other incentives to any business prospect as described above. The Council also may have a consultation with an attorney”

Sounds like Mandy and the gang may be handing out more tax dollars to private companies (*cough* S2M2 *cough*) to try and bribe them to come here (?). Never a good idea. The picture in my head of TJ Monroe “evaluating financial information” makes me laugh out loud.

5:25pm: technical difficulties?? I keep getting about:blank#blocked

5:35pm: Meeting already running…only 4 watching. Some idiot is sitting there in a mask talking to a room full of council members WITHOUT masks. Dr. James Cain? The more I hear from this guy over the last few weeks in the newspaper, the more I think he might be a moron. He’s essentially saying ALWAYS wear a mask as it can’t hurt. By that argument, let’s all wear spacesuits, since those can’t hurt either, right? I think Cain is a small-town doc who is having his one big moment in the sun…and he is milking it for all it’s worth. I also think all the hospitals benefit greatly from this panic the longer it goes on….so we know where their incentives lie. Mo’ money!! Mo’ money!!

5:40pm: Some new female in a mask telling us masks are cool! Right ladies? Fashion statement! I continue to laugh watching two medical ‘experts’ in masks yammer away while Toups and Kuehne sit WITHOUT MASKS three feet from each other. Funny how weeks ago, the experts all agreed that masks were useless. Imagine what the ‘experts’ will say tomorrow!

5:45pm: A THIRD Cain acolyte speaking now. A lot of cliche praise for us all pulling together and “doing it!”. Jesus. Enough. Give this guy the hook. Let’s get to the good stuff.

5:50pm: This guy STILL smoking his own navel lint. This is an informercial for Rollins Brook Hospital, methinks. No idea who this guy is but he is boring us all to tears. Put it in a memo and email it to City council, dildo. Let’s get on with it.

6:02pm: STILL going. He’s like my 80-year-old Mom writing a text. Long and boring with lots of sidetracks that WE DON’T CARE ABOUT!!!! Dork!

Here is what two other doctors say…and it directly contradicts the diarrhea I just listened to for 31 minutes:

If you’re healthy and you don’t have significant comorbidities and you know you’re not immunodeficient and you’re not elderly you should be able to go out without any gloves and without a mask. If you are those things you should either shelter in place or wear a mask and gloves. I don’t think everybody needs to wear the masks and gloves because it reduces your bacterial flora… and your bacterial flora and your viruses are your friends that protect you from other diseases [if they] end up going away and now you’re more likely to get opportunistic infections infections that are hoping you don’t have your good bugs fighting for you.


6:15pm: We have a bursting Internet crowd of eleven people! The Speed Bump (Randy Clark) apologizing to City council for something. No idea what. Guess he didn’t fall in line over something? Who knows. Weird.

6:18pm: Finley bringing us up to date on the $120,000 Halff Associates consulting plan to Make Lampasas Great!! No mention of giant metal letters costing $15,000. That idea was FREE! I can’t help but notice Finley and the gang are not wearing masks. Cain must be out in the hallway madder than a wet hen!

6:20pm: Mandy Walsh tells council they have had a “positive response” to the free money being handed out. Who would have thunk??

Finley now praising Waste Connections for something or other. Here is a question: since the price of fuel has plummeted, I assume we will be getting a reduction in trash rates? I know the contract allows them to RAISE prices if fuel prices go UP. So do we all get a break when it goes THE OTHER WAY? Just asking, Finley!

Council now discussing relaxing the lock-down. Of course, this means zero since the Governor of the state already did this and HE is in charge…not Misti or Finley. Or Cain, for that matter.

Council now adjourning to executive session. This is where all the good stuff happens that the peons aren’t allowed to hear about. Sounds like the Radiogram was right – the City will be discussing “incentives” to businesses to expand here. Translation: give them some free stuff.