So, Since the Schools Were Only Open About Six Months This Year, We’ll All Be Seeing a Refund on Property Taxes, Right?

Before all the dummies tell me they are working just as hard at home….save it. They aren’t.

Not only that, public schools have an ENORMOUS number of paper-pusher-parasite types. They fall under “administrators” and they have grown FAR faster than the student body over the decades. As I have discussed before HERE and HERE.

Stuff like….”data processing”, which the Lampasas ISD spent over a MILLION DOLLARS on last year. Seems to me, with no students in school, there is a lot less ‘data’ to ‘process’. This is just one example.

If the LISD manages to spend just as much money this year as they do any other year, I would say that is a massive failure of management and proof this entire system is a scam run for the parasites and not for the kids.

Don’t forget – teachers were given a 7% increase in salaries for next year and the paper-pusher administrators were handed a 5% raise. That is a hell of a lot of money for a system that is making rumblings about not being able to open in the fall for face-to-face teaching. If they DON’T open normally in the fall, those raises should ALL be cancelled and the people in charge should seriously be looking to thin the herd of parasites at the administrative level.

Let’s face it: the under-18 crowd is at VERY low risk of dying of the Wuhan virus – so there is zero excuse to keep kids home from school. Teachers on the other hand….well, let’s just say obesity is a huge factor in Wuhan virus fatality rates and that is a very curable problem. Some of ya’ll have four months to hit that treadmill!