Explain To Me Why We Are Still on Lock-down??

I understood the first two weeks of lock-down…maybe three weeks. The experts needed REAL data (since the Chinese are known liars) on how bad things really were, they had to get their ducks in a row, they had to move resources around, solve personnel problems, etc. OK – fine. It was a two week vacation. People take them all the time.

But we are now five weeks into this – and the idiots in charge just extended it ANOTHER two weeks! WHY??? Look at the data for Texas versus everywhere else:


  1. New York: 821
  2. New Jersey: 396
  3. Connecticut: 271
  4. Louisiana: 248 (clearly due to a LOT of fat people)
  5. United States total: 105
  6. TEXAS: 14

We are in the top 10 when it comes to LOW death rates per capita – and we are a HUGE state. The states doing better than us are sparsely populated (Montana, Dakotas, Wyoming). HALF of the country’s problem is New York and New Jersey. Fine by me – I will lose zero sleep over a few thousand less New York assholes roaming the earth. I fail to see why that means TEXAS shoots themselves in the head economically. Just close THOSE states down and lock em up like “Escape From New York”. You all want to live together piled up like sardines? This is what can happen. You made your bed, now YOU lay it in…not me.

New York also screwed themselves by keeping the subways open while their moron socialist mayor told everyone it was fine to go to Chinatown and take public transportation. Screw em – they brought this on themselves. Not to mention they always love to brag about how tough they are. Fine. Go be tough on a ventilator, jerk weed.

But back to the great state of Texas. What happens in two weeks, besides more economic suicide??? You going to keep us ‘safe’ in our cages forever? Eventually, you have to let people decide THEIR OWN risk level. This thing is going to spread through the population eventually anyways – you need to start a slow burn and get people out there to develop herd immunity.

It is now apparent that morbidly obese people are at FAR higher risk. So people like Bruce Haywood can stay home and sponge off the government (just like BEFORE the virus) but let the rest of us out to live our lives, for Christ’s sake. Some of us will get sick. A few of us will die. I get it. That is the ‘cost’ side of the cost/benefit analysis.

People who are 80 years old should probably just stay sequestered until there is a vaccine. Or maybe they value their daily round of golf more highly and want to take their chances and die happy. That is THEIR choice. Not yours.

The predictions of death and ICU needs and ventilator needs were off by orders of magnitude – therefore, the draconian measures they implemented need to be adjusted downwards as well. People need to get out there and mingle – and yes, get sick – to at least spread this to the ‘herd’ so we can get past it. Governor Abbott and Mayor Talbert made a HUGE mistake extending this lock-down a further two weeks. That will become apparent going forward.