National Debt Jumps $700 Billion In 13 Days

I remember when $700 billion was a bad YEAR of deficits. We just did it in 13 days. That’s 3.5% of GDP in less than two weeks. I’m sure all you supposed fiscal conservatives out there are screaming bloody murder, right?


It was bad when Obama did the trillion dollar deficit thing but it’s just fine when Trump makes it $2.2 trillion, ammi right??

The national debt has jumped $2.2 TRILLION in ONE YEAR (4/9/19 through 4/9/20)!! Another record.

I’m left to wonder why I’ve had to pay taxes all these years when we can apparently (1) run massive multi-trillion dollar deficits forever and (2) allow the un-elected and privately held Federal Reserve to print trillions of currency units supposedly without consequence.

When the inflation inevitably comes, every dummy in the country will blame “big business” for screwing them when the REAL reason is average American dummies who think they can get something for nothing and that currency debasement and wealth are the same thing.