I awoke to texts from a number of my sources around town that Misti Talbert’s ‘official’ FB page as mayor was shut down for some reason. Naturally, some of the less-than-intelligent Misti lovers immediately suggested that this was the work of that nefarious (look it up, peanut gallery) Lampasshole.

I have to laugh. For two reasons.
First, Misti HERSELF was whining just weeks ago about how social media should be shut down because of “all the hysteria and ignorance” about the virus (i.e. a few people were saying six weeks ago that maybe you should prep for this – Misti calls this “hysteria”)

You kind of got your wish, sugar plum.
[Of course, THEN Mayor Pendulum swung WAY too far the other way and wanted the entire planet shut down indefinitely, making the cure worse than the disease, in my opinion. Hilarious.]
I laugh for another reason: I spend all my time on here railing for MORE transparency in City government, in case you dummies haven’t noticed. Misti’s administration has withheld COUNTLESS items I have requested….the latest being data concerning City employee insurance claims costs. Everything these dummies post on Facebook is grist for my mill…it actually HELPS me expose them as charlatans and liars. Why the hell would I want their FB pages shut down?? I value the First Amendment highly – and trying to shut down a FB page would violate my principles. Peanut gallery idiots might not have any principles…but I do.
I guess some peanut gallery people just aren’t very bright.
Speaking of Facebook ignorance, those peanut gallery types are usually the exact same ones to fall for every moronic Facebook “fact” without checking it then look like dunces afterwards.
The type who posts ten times a day on Facebook – usually stupid memes that somebody else wrote and 100 people have already posted. They post the most awful cliches as if they are deep thinkers.

Or they gossip about people then pretend they are ‘above all that’

Or they may post holier-than-thou parenting tips even though they did an awful job with their own kids. I think we all know the type. The FakeBook types whose REAL lives bear zero resemblance to their FakeBook bullshit.
Typical peanut gallery for you!