Finley and His Finger Puppets Are Terrible Liars

You’d think Finley and his puppets would all be far better prevaricators (look it up, Monica) given the practice they’ve had. But you’d be wrong.

Just look at the latest fiasco with them denying me information about City employee health insurance claims:

August 4, 2017: Finance Director Moron-o tells the newspapers that City employee health insurance claims “have doubled over the last year“.

OK. Fine. What year is she referring to, exactly? She can’t possibly be talking about the 2016/2017 fiscal year since it isn’t over yet at the time of her statement to the newspaper. The fiscal year ends on September 30th for the City of Lampasas.

She must be talking about the 2015/2016 year compared to the 2014/2015 fiscal years, right?

Well, there are two problems with that. (1) Since they are telling me today that the 2017/2018 data is not available here NOW in April of 2020 (1.5 years after the fact), then how would the 2015/2016 data have been available to her back in August of 2017 – less than a year after fiscal 15/16 ended?

Because they are liars.

(2) Furthermore, if she IS comparing 2015/16 to 2014/15 then she must have had access to the 2014/15 data AND we know the number had to be around $350,000 in order for her $706,000 number (given to me for 2015/2016) to represent a “doubling of claims”.

Yet she sits there and tells me that the 2014/2015 data is not available. Another lie.

You know what I think? I think the 2014/2015 data was around $350,000 and she knows it. So does Finley. I think her “doubling of claims” was based on a comparison of 14/15 and 15/16. I think they have no interest in admitting this since it means the following must therefore be true:

City employee insurance claims jumped from $350,000 to $1.13 MILLION in just two fiscal years….therefore they have more than TRIPLED. This represents a 78% increase in claims PER YEAR during that 24 month period. Which is insane.

And even that $1.13 MILLION number is now 2.5 years old, so I’m sure it is even higher and more absurd now!

THAT is what all the secrecy and bullshit is about – a massive spike in insurance claims over those two fiscal years (and possibly more). In other words, as usual, transparency goes right out the window when it makes them look like profligate shit heels.

Let’s also not forget another obvious fact staring us in the face: since the City has around 100 to 110 employees, that works out to roughly $10,000 in insurance claims FOR EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE in one year. That is also insane.

Hey City council… dummies paying attention yet????