Shocker. The brain-dead Democrat who is always happy to see the government spend more money and thinks big government is the answer to everything actually contributes NOTHING!!! Color me stunned.
It takes some REAL nerve to go on a public forum, admit you pay zero to the feds for most of your adult life, then ask for a check from the very same federal government. Bruce, I thought you were just a garden variety moron Democrat before this. Now I see you are an unabashed parasite as well.

Almost as bad as the other idiots who ask “Hey, I get disability checks….do I get a stimulus check too?”. Seriously – how many times does the government have to send you a check for not working? If you are disabled and not working (REALLY disabled…not ‘depressed’ or 500 pounds overweight from eating McDonald’s every day), then how has your life changed due to a virus, exactly? You’re STILL not working and you are already taken care of. Yet you want to steal more from the productive citizen.
Maybe this country NEEDS a plague. Get rid of the 40 million parasites who ask questions like this and say “gimme gimme gimme”.