Remember This In July and August…

I remember when I was a kid, the old saying was “government work doesn’t pay that well, but the benefits are awesome, and you can basically never get fired”.

Fair enough. You forgo massive paychecks BUT you can count on that paycheck AND top-notch medical and retirement benefits. No matter what. That means zero stress in your life.

Of course, things are quite different nowadays. Many government workers get all three of those things. Paychecks that FAR EXCEED similar work in the private sector PLUS job security AND gold-plated medical benefits.

So right now, when small business owners are struggling to stay afloat and pay their employees while everyone in the private sector is being laid off, I hope the millions and millions and millions of government workers appreciate that they have exactly ZERO worries about losing their jobs or missing a paycheck. After all, the government can just go squeeze the taxpayer a little harder.

They are ALSO all covered by the City’s gold-plated medical insurance – in case they DO catch this virus. Must be nice not to worry about that either. Very nice indeed. Those are the TWO huge worries facing everyone in the private sector right now, and the government workers don’t have a care in the world. Think about that.

[I have to assume they will ALSO be handed that $1,200 government check soon…with $500 for each of their kids! Talk about double dipping: you never lost your job, never in danger of losing your job, your paycheck wasn’t interrupted AND you have health care benefits better than probably 90% of us suckers who pay your salaries! Why exactly are you being handed more government checks?? A good question.]

I hope City council remembers this fact in July and August when the City budget is being negotiated and they are worried the City workers will “lose morale”*** if they don’t get yet another 3 or 4% raise this year. I would hope the minute a government worker (including Finley) cries about a raise, someone on City council smacks them in the ear and reminds them of this. Then do it again every year for the next ten years. Same goes for public school teachers (who received some massive raises just weeks before this coronavirus disaster hit….talk about lucky timing).

Unfortunately, since City council is comprised of a majority (4 out of 7 members) who owe their livings to the taxpayer and NOT the private sector, I doubt this point will be driven home or remembered. Again, it is a damn shame we don’t have seven Mike Whites up there negotiating on behalf of the taxpayer.

Here is what it’s like out in the real world – for all you Monicas, Kristys, Finleys and Morenos at City Hall who might cry about ‘morale’ if they don’t get their raise AND all their benefits.

[*** – this phrase was actually used by City finance Director Yvonne Moreno on August 4th, 2017 [link HERE page 5]. Benefits costs were soaring and Moreno was concerned some Department heads might see slightly less take-home pay and ‘lose morale’ (never mind the taxpayer had just covered a huge increase in their insurance premiums). We’ll get into Ms. Moreno and her health care numbers in an upcoming post]