From yesterday’s Radiogram:
“This evening, our school board approved a compensation plan for next year that includes a 7% general pay increase of the midpoint for teachers, clerical/aides and auxiliary. Teacher salaries will reflect a minimum starting amount of $47,000. A general pay increase of 5% of the midpoint for administrators was approved as well. In other news, the purchase of 280 Chromebooks was approved. The Chromebooks will be used by grades K-4″.
Wow. A MASSIVE increase. Must be nice. Remember of course, that these people work 9 months and not 12…so these numbers must be multiplied by 1.33 to get a 12-month equivalent. So that MINIMUM STARTING amount turns into $62,651 equivalent. Then you add on the benefits like ‘free’ medical and retirement contributions (which run 40% of a typical salary for the City of Lampasas workers, as an example) and you are very quickly up into the $65,000 to $70,000 range as a cost to the taxpayer for 9 months of work.
I guess I’m not surprised, seeing as how these same people voted to give school LISD Superintendent Chane Rascoe a recent raise to a massive $158,751.84 PER YEAR (or a $211,615 annual equivalent) PLUS all his benefits.
Of course, you can never question school salaries, or you’re a giant asswipe. I’ll cite some great studies HERE and HERE so you can see why the constant throwing of money at schools steams my beans.
I really don’t know why Mandy Walsh and the LEDC are spending millions of dollars on a “Business Park” to attract high-paying jobs. Pretty much every single government job here for the City, County or school is VERY high-paying compared to the poor schlubs in the private sector who have to pay for all this (see below). Mandy should just give everyone cushy government jobs like Assistant Deputy Guidance Counselor or something…we can ALL get well-paid jobs in government!
Some data from Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2010. I have no doubt the gap has since widened in favor of the powerful teachers unions who are ALWAYS clamoring for more money and benefits:

Don’t even get me started on the MASSIVE bloat of administrators and other parasitic paper-pushers that have infested the public school system and cost the taxpayers an absolute fortune while contributing zero value. Here are some charts to really drive the point home: