Wow. How many lies is this now?? I’ve lost count. Someday in the future I’ll have to dedicate a post to all of Spinley’s bullshit over the last year and a half. Today we’ll stick to just the Old City Hall rehab lie.
I have called out Elmo Finley more than a few times about repeatedly telling his favorite fairy-tale to the newspapers. The one where the Old City Hall rehab cost “‘only’ $1.02 million (plus a $125,000 elevator)” [see: Dispatch 11/1/19, page 11, column 2]
(Actually, the elevator was $128,400, but that is just picking nits).
I have maintained all along the true cost was well over $1,500,000.00
Well, we now know I was right yet again. Note the amount listed in official City documents posted this weekend [page 34]:

It’s that big number on the top: $1,463,577. Which is pretty damn close to $1.5 million. Does that number include the $128,400 for the elevator that Spinley always loves to add on separately for some weird reason? Who knows. But we can probably assume they didn’t count stuff like paying $229,000 for the exact same building they sold for $75,000 two years earlier.
Same goes for the $12,780 they spent on a ridiculously large amount of stacking chairs that will never be used.
Bureaucratic knuckleheads like Finley and Monica might not count that as “real” money, but I do. It’s ALL part of this boondoggle.
Add it all up and you can easily make a case for more like $1.6 million wasted on that vanity project. A very far cry from Finley’s oft-repeated lie of $1.02 million.