Did Local Buffoon Just Jinx Historic Badger Football Winning Streak?

A local Lampasshole has been boasting and talking football smack on Facebook recently. I have always thought his obsession with the high school football team goes beyond normal home-town-team excitement. Perhaps spilling over into a “sneak into the locker room and sniff jock straps” kind of obsession. For someone who doesn’t have a kid on the team, it just strikes me as a little odd.

But to each their own.

His enthusiasm spilled over into a Facebook LCBN squabble with a Bugs Bunny lookalike from Liberty Hill. Haywood was apparently joyous that Liberty Hill will be moving up to 5A football…which prompted the lagomorph (look it up, Monica) named AJ West to ask if Haywood was just scared of the competition Liberty Hill provides.

AJ West – a wascaly wabbit

The buffoon and the rabbit argued a bit and then Haywood committed a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple-dog-dare-you and going straight for the throat…..bringing up the 52-10 beating the Badgers doled out to Liberty Hill earlier in the year.

Oops. Big mistake.

That is the kind of complacency and boasting that many times comes before the big downfall. Considering Bruce Haywood has been wrong about literally everything he yaps about on Facebook (including a ‘landslide victory’ for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and thinking Beto was an awesome guy), his boasting and confidence in a Badger win this weekend leads me to believe he has just jinxed their impressive run for the title.

By my estimation, Liberty Hill would be about a 7-1 underdog if Vegas was handicapping this game. Since Bruce just put his bad juju on the game, I would be willing to back Liberty Hill as a 7-1 dog.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Bruce “The Mush” Haywood just ended your season, methinks. Rough luck.