Texas Municipal League Uses YOUR Own Tax Dollars To Screw You

The Texas Municipal League is a government sector lobbying association in Texas. It was founded in 1913 and its mission is “to serve the needs and advocate the interests of its members.” It is a 501(c)(4) organization.

In other words, the City of Lampasas uses YOUR tax dollars to help fund the Texas Municipal League – which in turn lobbies the State government. Since the TML serves the “interests of its members”, they are on the side of BIGGER government and higher taxes.

Thomas Jefferson said, “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” This line is often quoted to express the most common objection to the practice of taxpayer-funded lobbying.

A secondary objection is that most taxpayers are unaware that their tax money, through dues, is used to fund lobbying advocacy programs with which they may disagree.

There are many examples of the TML trying to screw the taxpayer, as they are generally opposed to ANYTHING that “cuts into City revenue” (i.e. lower taxers) or increases transparency in government. But the most egregious is their vehement opposition to the recently passed S.B. 2…..which I have discussed previously.

The bill, which aims to slow the growth of rising property tax bills, makes a host of changes designed to make the tax system more transparent and accessible. But it includes one provision — widely disliked by city and county officials AND the TML — that requires local governments to hold an election before raising 3.5% more property tax revenue than the previous year. Currently, residents must petition for an election if the property tax levy surpasses 8%, a rate set during a period of high inflation in the 1980s.

The TML opposes any legislative effort to give voters the right to reject property tax increases that exceed the rate of inflation and population growth.

So why does Lampasas, ostensibly (look it up, Monica) a fiscally conservative, GOP kinda town, belong to such a left-wing, big-government lobbying group that is opposed to reigning in out-of-control government spending? Great question. I’m guessing The Seven Goldfish don’t have the first clue. Here is your excuse to look into it.