Transparency Is For Government…Privacy Is For Citizens.

I know it irks a lot of people that this blog is written anonymously. There is a reason for that. Those in power have a long history of going after those who disagree with them – sometimes violently.

Historian Gordon S. Wood described the 1775 pamphlet Common Sense as “the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era”.

Common Sense, arguably a founding document of this very country I love so much, was also written anonymously because Thomas Payne knew that Big Government has the power to ruin you and even kill you. It’s also the reason a LOT of people in this town privately agree with me, encourage me, and even point me in certain directions to look for graft and waste – yet they keep their mouths shut in public. They know it would take but a phone call for Finley or City Council or another City big wig to sic the Health Department on them…or cite some silly code enforcement…or make their lives miserable a dozen other ways.

The facts I state here (and CONSTANTLY link to) are no less true because they are written under a nom de plume. My opinions, when expressed and labeled as such, are also protected speech under the First Amendment….yet another cornerstone of this fine country.

I know that sticks in the craw of some people high up. I also know the first response of those in power when criticized is rarely “hmmm, perhaps he’s right – let’s reconsider our ways”. It is far more often “shut that guy up any way possible.”

It happens at all level of government – federal, state and yes, even our little local government here. It’s a sad state of affairs, but it happens every day.