Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert Spits in Taxpayers’ Eye

Mayor Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert is just doing what drunken sailors do best: soaking the taxpayer to pay for all of her idiotic spending decisions over the last 8 years. According to the Lampasas Dispatch, City Council unanimously approved raising the tax RATE from .395218 to a nice round number of .42 – which is an increase in the tax RATE of 6.3%.

That is just the RATE, mind you. Your appraised values are all going to be much higher this year as well. But the pigs in City Hall aren’t happy with that slop. They want more, as always….and Mayor Talbert is happy to oblige. Whether it is creating new positions with huge salaries (Assistant City Manager), wildly over-budget unnecessary vanity projects that STILL aren’t completed (Old City Hall) or just plain old salary increases for completely unnecessary positions (network administrator), Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert has NEVER met a spending increase she didn’t like and she has been an enthusiastic supporter of ALL of those expensive decisions.

But Misti is not alone in her drunken spending. Unfortunately, we also have two public school teachers on City Council. Public school teachers, being government employees themselves, are used to asking for more and more funds every year (they were recently awarded $1.5 million in raises, mind you), never having to operate in a “for profit” environment or run their own business. So to see them vote for much higher taxes and wasteful spending isn’t a huge shock to me.

But that’s not all! According to Finley’s twisted math that only a government worker could understand, some of our government workers are actually UNDERPAID by up to 18.7%!!! Yes, it’s true! Never mind the piles of evidence I present here to the contrary. They are going to increase taxes and spending and salaries anyways – because they know that YOU, the taxpayer, are just a cow to be milked over and over without complaint.

Of course, Misti is doing what all cowards in public office do: blaming the huge increases on a need for more “public safety” areas like police protection and the fire department. Who can argue with that?? It’s all a giant pile of horse shit, of course….and we will get to that in the coming posts.

Perhaps it is time for a recall election to replace Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert? The city of Lampasas has tolerated outrageous waste and incompetence for YEARS now. When will the taxpayer finally say “ENOUGH!!”?