County Commissioners Vote Down TALA Resorts PID

Congratulations to the Lampasas County Commissioners and Judge Hoyer for unanimously voting down the creation of a PID for TALA Resorts. Excellent move by the county.

Commissioner Carroll stated that “we are not in the business of treating water or in the real estate business so there is no need for the county to be involved”. Commissioner Briggs heartily agreed.

The Original Lampasshole also heartily agrees. TALA looks to me like a very shady bunch of wolves. I did a bunch of research on the parties involved in TALA, and they look highly suspect, to say the least.

No way this project goes forward without TALA getting the handout it was looking for. The whole idea of 250 to 300 houses worth $3 million each that rich people will just hop on out to for the weekend in the middle of Hill Country is completely ridiculous. The capper was their pie-in-the-sky bullshit about having a $100,000 telescope and an astronomer on staff. Naturally these clowns dangled the ever-present carrot of “more property taxes for the schools” in front of county officials and taxpayers.

Excellent job by all those involved to tell TALA to take a hike. I suspect the “resort” will not be built and these vultures will cruise to the next town and try their schtick again.

Thank you Commissioner Carroll and Briggs and all the rest. Job well done!