Are You “Suffering” From Dehydration? Do This:

Drink some water.

The latest CorViver Eager Beaver product supposedly helps with the huge swaths of the American population who are unwittingly “suffering” from dehydration. They have a new (expensive!) product with a super cool edgy name…HYDR8! Get it?? They must be paying someone a lot of money for these super cool and hip names.

Anyways, they have plenty of expensive HYDR8 to sell you! Call now! Act fast! Probably cures ADHD, acne and enlarges your penis as well, knowing these hucksters’ usual crazy claims.

Or, you could just pour yourself a glass of free water…but then the huckster makes no money off of you [insert frowny emoticon here]

Here’s a fun fact: the root of the word “dehydrate” is “hydrate” – which literally means “to take up or combine with WATER”. Imagine that! So the easiest, simplest and most effective way to fight all that evil dehydration going around it to hydrate yourself….or literally drink some water, dummy!!

Are people dumb enough to shell out money for HYDR8 rather than sip some water? We shall see…..