Hilarious: Eager Beaver CorVive-er Gets Product Completely Wrong. Twice.

You gotta love it when people with ZERO expertise in a field and who literally joined the MLM cult yesterday start crowing about all the supposed health benefits of the magic beans they have to sell you…as if they are overnight experts in the field. I’ve seen some dumb stuff on Facebook, but this woman takes the proverbial gluten-free cake. To wit:

“I learned about hbh today, then I felt the affect it has on my body! Ya’ll, I can feel the oxygen in my legs! [unlikely – your body closely regulates your blood oxygen levels] No pain, no drawing [drawing???], no swelling! Do you have any of these issues? I know something that will help! Message me!”

The the next day…crowing about “hbh” once again!

“Any of my San Saba peeps interested in life-changing [she joined less than a week ago], cutting edge, nutritional products that’s won’t break the bank? [yes, they will] Look up hbh and see the benefits! Hit me up with questions!”

Ummmm…sweetie? It’s BHB (Beta-hydroxybutyrate) NOT hbh.


THESE are the ding-dongs you think have all the answers? THESE are people you are just going to blindly believe making any ridiculous claim they invent on the fly? THESE are the people you trust with your health???

Also, CorVive very much frowns on making ludicrous health claims unless they are taken VERBATIM from their company literature.

Specifically, CorVive Policies and Procedures 8.1 Health Claims states:

No claims (which include personal testimonials) as to therapeutic, curative or beneficial properties (“Health Claims”) of any products offered by Company may be made except those specific claims contained in official Company literature. Such statements can be perceived as medical, drug claims, or natural health product claims.  Not only would such claims breach Company Policies and Procedures, but they potentially violate federal and provincial laws and regulations, including the federal Food and Drugs Act.

Also, CorVive Policies and Procedures 8.2 Product Claims states:

Partners may not make any other product claims or representations regarding Company products except those that are specifically contained in official Company literature.  Such claims or representations may only be repeated or republished in exactly the same format as that published by the Company and the claim must be republished in its totality. 

In particular, no Partner may make any claim or representation (“Product Claims”) regarding the following: (1) the performance, efficacy or life of Company products or services; (2) the testing of Company products or services; (3) testimonials or endorsements of Company products or services; and (4) any matter that would be false or misleading in a material respect.  Not only would such Product Claims breach Company Policies and Procedures, but they potentially violate federal and provincial laws and regulations, including the federal Competition Act.

Even Fouts’ trained-seal and dummy carnival barker James West (Cor200!!) knows that! He reads the “health effects” right off the bottles in his Video of Lies – never leaving the script!

For you to come out and make claims about reducing leg swelling and increasing blood oxygen saturation, well…let’s just say the company makes VERY clear that you are on your own and their insurance doesn’t cover you against civil lawsuits…and CorVive themselves may go after your ass. See Section 4.3:

Partners who violate Company intellectual property rights, produce unapproved sales and marketing aids (including Internet advertising), make improper Health Claims or Product Claims regarding CorVive products or Earnings Representations (as defined in section 9 below), or otherwise breach the Agreement may have their Agreement with CorVive terminated (described more fully in Section 4.6 below), as well as expose themselves to civil charges from the Company or third parties or to civil or criminal charges from government authorities.

You’d think all these “Independent Business Owners” [lol!!] babbling away on Facebook who are going to build an empire and get rich quick would at least read and understand the CorVive Policies and Procedures thoroughly. Owning a “business” and reading stuff is, like, HARD ya’ll!! So much easier to just fling handfuls of bullshit against the wall and see who buys it. Unfortunately, legitimate and ethical operations do not work that way.