Just How Overpriced Are CorVive MLM Products? *UPDATED*

The CHEAPEST option starting out (according to carnival barker James “Jimmy” West Cor200 and his hilarious video of lies) is the Ach13ve kit, which STARTS at $100.

Knowing how slime balls like Jeremy Fouts (founder of CorVive) operate, I’m sure there are additional costs in there, but I’ll give slime ball Jeremy Fouts the benefit of the doubt, and go with an even $100.

**UPDATE** – a CorVive huckster on Facebook just told somebody that “the 15-day package you need with XLR8 is $134”. Holy christ…are people REALLY paying $268 per MONTH for stuff you can easily buy for $96 per month elsewhere?? Please tell me they aren’t.

What do you get for $100? [actually $134] A measly 15 day supply of protein powder (CorPower) and XLR8 (their Ketone goBHB supplement).

See all the slick and clever names??? Ach13ve? XLR8? That’s so you don’t notice you are buying the exact same crap everyone else sells for far less. You are paying for the packaging.

As I’ve covered before, there are TONS of protein powders out there that are very reasonably priced. My example was 72 servings for $53 – or about 74 cents per serving. I’ve personally used this powder for 18 years (no, I don’t get paid to say that, nor do I win trips to Mexico).

So – a 15 day supply of the stuff I use costs about $11. But it’s even worse! CorVive only gives you 22 grams of protein per serving and many other (cheaper) places give you 24 or 25 – which is 10% more. So, I’ll be charitable to slime ball CorVive founder Jeremy Fouts again and call it $10.35 cents for MY 15 days supply of whey protein.

[Of course, if you are a guy lifting weights, you need to take in between 150 and 220 grams of protein per day to actually build muscle – so you would need 6 or 10 of these per day, but we’ll ignore that for now. It’s also only 100 or 130 calories, so it is HARDLY a “meal replacement” item, seeing as the average person eats between 1800 and 2800 calories per day, depending on gender]

[ What is goBHB and exogenous ketones? Click here to learn more. ]

So that leaves $89.65 [*updated $123.65*] to be accounted for when comparing normal supplements to CorVive’s over-priced products. I guess that XLR8 stuff must really be good, to cost over $89 for a 15 day supply!!!

Not really. Go to Amazon and search for “goBHB” – there are DOZENS of choices with the same ingredients as XLR8 – and MUCH cheaper. They even use the EXACT same phrases that carnival barker James West Cor200 does! Phrases like “increases mental focus! Supports weight loss!”

After only 30 seconds of searching, I found a product with the same ingredients in the same amounts as XLR8 for $76 (Ketond Advanced Ketone Blend). That sounds like a lot of money, until you realize that is for a MONTH supply…not 15 days. So we cut that in half to $38.

Add my protein cost of $10.35 to the $38 for the goBHB product and you come up with $48.35. Compare this to CorVive “STARTING at $100” price tag, and you are being gouged for over 100% markup!

Why would CorVive charge you TWICE [*UPDATED – almost TRIPLE] what this stuff is worth? Because in a MLM scam, the shit rolls downhill and the money rolls up! It rolls up right up into the pockets of Jeremy and Candace Fouts…the slime balls who started CorVive. In MLM schemes, according to FTC studies, roughly 99% of participants LOSE MONEY.

MORE GOOD NEWS: On EVERY CorVive product, you will notice a little * next to EVERY claim…and later you will read that “these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”.

Know what that means? It means you are on your own and Jimmy West (Cor200) the carnival barker and Jeremy Fouts the slime ball can say just about any slippery thing they wish.

They can say absolute crap like “the number one cause of weight gain is the body not passing waste” (yes, James West says this lie over and over)…and that they just happen to have a laxative (yes, it is a laxative, not a ‘cleanse’) called CorRenew. CorRenew has senna in it. Senna is simply a medication used to treat constipation and to evacuate the large intestine before surgery. It does NOT ‘remove impurities and toxins’ – your body does that all by itself.

Remember, there are around SIX HUNDRED MLM schemes in operation right now…and around SEVENTY of those are in the “weight loss, dietary supplements, health supplements” category.

Every one of those MLMS is full of acolytes with eyes full of dollar signs and thinking THEIR pills/potions/powders are special.  They aren’t.

CorVive is not a revolutionary product or idea.  It’s just another MLM – and, according to Federal Trade Commission studies, between 96% and 99.6% of MLM participants LOSE MONEY.

Before you throw money at a slime ball like Jeremy Fouts (who was previously deeply involved in GenesisPURE – a now defunct MLM that sold – you guessed it – nutritional supplements) ask CorVive for an income disclosure statement. That statement will tell you EXACTLY how much money MLM participants make. If they refuse to give you an income disclosure form, you should run the other way as fast as you can.

In the next post, we will delve into the history of hucksters Jeremy and Candace Fouts...how they used to work for GenesisPURE under a scammer, quack and hustler named LINDSEY DUNCAN.