Protein shakes ARE a good way to get a lot of protein quickly – as opposed to eating piles of chicken breast or fish. However, whey protein is whey protein – and the stuff with fancy packaging and a price so high it allows people to try and win free trips to Mexico is the same as the stuff you can buy on Amazon for 75 cents per serving. Whey protein = whey protein.

Another great option is Muscle Milk (also available on Amazon). This is $2.50 per bottle (25 grams of protein and 160 calories), in case you are too lazy to stir a powder into a drink. Of course, if you are too lazy to stir powder into a drink, then you are probably too lazy to do the large amounts of exercise that will enable you to lose 15 pounds in a month…which is why you believe fantastical tales of magic potions that “melt the fat away” in the first place!!
*Disclaimer: I am not trying to win a trip to Mexico by selling you this. Nor am I trying to recruit you into any MLM cult and who tells you to go out and recruit other cult members so I can make money off of everyone you recruit to sell wildly overpriced whey protein. I am just stating scientific fact that 25 grams or protein = 25 grams of protein no matter how fancy the box is.