MLM Cults Explained…

The beauty of these schemes is after people fail (and the vast majority do fail), the scheme members who haven’t yet failed blame the victim for their failure. “You didn’t put in enough hours” “You didn’t do it right” “You’re just no good at this” The most sinister aspect of MLM scams is there is no ‘be your own boss’. You’re still working for someone else. That client list you built up after hundreds of hours of harassing coworkers, friends and family? It can likely be taken from you in an instant with no compensation. The most insulting aspect of MLM scams is they go out of their way to insult people working for a living.

It’s extremely ironic to me how the philosophy of almost every MLM is simply a facade of benevolence to cover up their deceitful tactics. Most MLM’s claim to want to help people improve their lives but immediately put them down and degrade them when they choose to call out the company and its tactics by saying “they didn’t work hard enough” or something of that sort.

The thing about MLMs and pyramid schemes is that they will inevitably implode on themselves, they’re unsustainable as a business model. Of course, by the time the company has collapsed in on itself, the people at the top have either a) retired to a nice island, or b) moved on to start another company with the same business model, often leaving those at the bottom with nothing to show for the months/years of their life they wasted other than debt and sometimes a criminal conviction. But please, tell me again how I can make thousands at home selling vitamin powder in a capsule.

Bottom line: If you need 40 people in your network to make a living, then only 1 in 40 people in that MLM can ever make a living.