Was Lampasas’ Inept IT Department Hit by Computer Malware Attack?

Hmmmmmm…..last week I saw an article claiming many cities in Texas were hit by malware attacks. I immediately thought to myself “Lampasas better hope they weren’t one of them, because our IT “experts” are anything but”. Of course, Texas is a huge state with thousands of cities…I figured the odds were highly against it and … Continue reading “Was Lampasas’ Inept IT Department Hit by Computer Malware Attack?”

Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert Spits in Taxpayers’ Eye

Mayor Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert is just doing what drunken sailors do best: soaking the taxpayer to pay for all of her idiotic spending decisions over the last 8 years. According to the Lampasas Dispatch, City Council unanimously approved raising the tax RATE from .395218 to a nice round number of .42 – which is … Continue reading “Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert Spits in Taxpayers’ Eye”

Lampasas City IT Department Should Be Eliminated and Outsourced – May Save the City Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars PER YEAR.

[QUICK synopsis for those of you new to this site: our IT Department consists of TWO people – neither of whom hold basic network certifications from Microsoft or Cisco and who subsequently pay TSM Consulting tens of thousands more per year to do THEIR network jobs for them. Monica Wright was somehow awarded with the … Continue reading “Lampasas City IT Department Should Be Eliminated and Outsourced – May Save the City Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars PER YEAR.”

“Boobus Lampasicanus” Spotted at Town Meeting

Believe it or not, there are actually times I feel sorry for Finley and Misti. The latest local town hall meeting, where they had to politely listen to several morons spout idiotic ideas for wasting tax money is definitely one of those times. Just reading these ideas after the fact made me want to strangle … Continue reading ““Boobus Lampasicanus” Spotted at Town Meeting”

Overpaid Parasites Want 4.4% Raise. Will Be Even More Overpaid.

From today’s Lampasas Dispatch: Notice of Public Hearing on Lampasas Central Appraisal District Budget The Lampasas Central Appraisal District will hold a public hearing on a proposed budget for the 2020 fiscal year. The public hearing will be held June 20th at 4:00pm at 109 East Fifth Street, Lampasas Texas. A summary of the appraisal … Continue reading “Overpaid Parasites Want 4.4% Raise. Will Be Even More Overpaid.”

New Info Emerges From City Hall Emails – Did City Manager and IT Director Deliberately Keep City Council in the Dark Over Exorbitant Cost of A/V System?

In short, the answer appears to be yes. We have requested and received dozens of internal City Hall emails pertaining to the no-bid City Council chambers A/V system that was awarded to Azbell Electronics for almost $100,000 last July. Emails belonging to the city manager, assistant city manager, city IT Director, Azbell sales rep Chris … Continue reading “New Info Emerges From City Hall Emails – Did City Manager and IT Director Deliberately Keep City Council in the Dark Over Exorbitant Cost of A/V System?”

Twinkie Diet Just as Effective as CorVive Magic Beans – And Costs WAY Less!

Back around January 1, a lot of misinformed yahoos got all excited that they “lost 6 pounds in three days!” or “I’m down 14 pounds in two weeks!” and (erroneously) attributed these miracles to the CorVive magic beans upon which they had recently wasted $500. Of course, the real reason they lost weight was (1) … Continue reading “Twinkie Diet Just as Effective as CorVive Magic Beans – And Costs WAY Less!”

Just How Overpriced Are CorVive MLM Products? *UPDATED*

The CHEAPEST option starting out (according to carnival barker James “Jimmy” West Cor200 and his hilarious video of lies) is the Ach13ve kit, which STARTS at $100. Knowing how slime balls like Jeremy Fouts (founder of CorVive) operate, I’m sure there are additional costs in there, but I’ll give slime ball Jeremy Fouts the benefit … Continue reading “Just How Overpriced Are CorVive MLM Products? *UPDATED*”

Wanna Lose 500 Pounds and Make a Million Dollars??? PM Me!!

I feel like I’m living through the Salem Witch Trials…and the entire town has lost its mind. CorVive!! CorVive!! CorVive!!! “Just take our powder and you’ll lose 50 pounds…all while eating bacon! Unless you want to bulk up and add muscle…then you will add a pound of muscle every 48 hours!! I swear by this…even … Continue reading “Wanna Lose 500 Pounds and Make a Million Dollars??? PM Me!!”

Finley Pees on Taxpayer Heads – Tells Lampasas Dispatch it is a Refreshing, Much-Needed Rain

I guess Finley finally had to respond to the well-documented instances of Old City Hall cost overruns, waste and no-bid A/V contracts presented here in meticulous detail and using City Council’s own minutes.  He did so in today’s Lampasas Dispatch (Sept 25, 2018).  This was smart of Finley – the end of the fiscal year … Continue reading “Finley Pees on Taxpayer Heads – Tells Lampasas Dispatch it is a Refreshing, Much-Needed Rain”